
Kia India Pvt. Ltd.

Snapshot (INR mn)
Yearend 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net Sales i1JQz RM6JE izhne zEV4S jyDwe
Total Income w4syc pe8y2 LZjKW bl8ZQ OyW5I
Total Expenditure yDSOm EqtDZ 9Edao e4PgA K6GtS
EBITDA PZR8B EeDy5 orAju KdnkA 0Vucv
EBIT kVLWn hYVqc oO50M T5haD xl4of
PBT G06Ay D9MLb t725H dH9xw islID
PAT 0XJhz pFC8f 6Qyt4 Tm63b IZ8Fv
Sources Of Funds
Equity Paid up ePfaG jut0p iIj2L pzx2Q RWMYF
Reserves and Surplus ChMOL E2qIe eixCK oEBZk MXHe4
Net Worth GoA0H DjBni jTSug j9XBh PXxWi
Total Debt tgGpd vofA3 PzEqX wgdu1 dY8LV
Application Of Funds
Gross Block o7vQH 9faqk et5w2 Q69zp 7S6qu
Investments h3QEc O10zc WNIDe pvluZ WqKYe
Cash and Bank Balance ztOwP gAowP KgLYn JsPjk 7dV9E
Net Current Assets VfnTZ gJyGO ktvxX uydJ8 OXDS3
Total Current Liabilities vL8KM qfaml UyxQq 3iWYc DprJ8
Total Assets 9xQli CLqN1 FQbcN gsIT4 qIsKJ
Cash Flow
Cash Flow from Operations oraSQ Co78S pejB1 wNkSO qxLWR
Cash Flow from Investing GPWwV t2ZkL ByCTe BnTqF LR7JV
Cash Flow from Financing msWUJ Oil0x MHLyN YnyVv D8TFE
Key Ratios
Debt To Equity eu9FL FtsTy qYWeI TRKPs B6Xoz
Current Ratio b2JDH Ly3RJ RjNGA RDLAv NRu60
ROCE (%) 5remu FTgdD UP3X0 82rSA F6qDh
RONW (%) FDXri 5VTE7 BLPvc 0PhtL T90t8
EBITDA Margin (%) TZbV9 gfIDy LzVup Elo6m XRN20
PAT Margin (%) Qcm6B Guhn3 I27Gs oMNya Z1jOa
CPM (%) T2mWt qA3BF sZD3n HVwmo PM8Io

In-depth financial credentials and statistics of Kia India Pvt. Ltd. is covered in the Financials section. Our comprehensive data includes the balance sheets, profit and loss statements and cash flow statements. Our research also curates detailed financial ratios of Kia India Pvt. Ltd.. The data set for each firm is represented in the formats of consolidated and standalone reports on the portal.